WOD: Tuesday 16/12/2014

T'was the Week before Christmas!!
Wednesday: Fun Team Games + WOD
Friday: Dress Up Christmas WOD @ 5.30pm (Regular Day Classes on as usual)
Saturday: 9am - Barbell - 10am Scavenger Hunt - 11.30am Melzar's Brunch/Lunch
8 Weighted Step Ups (4 each leg)
6 Sets - add weight each set


12 Min AMRAP
9 Kettlebell Swings (24kg/32kg)
8 Front Squats (50kg/70kg)
7 Sit Ups with Medball (6kg/10kg)

Post weights and rounds to comments.

Blue Lake Barbell

Snatch +  Low Hang Snatch + High Hang Snatch - heaviest possible in 12mins

Clean + Low Hang Clean + High Hang Clean + Jerk - heaviest possible in 12 mins

Strength - alternate between the following:
1) 5 x 3 Banded Deadlifts or Fast Tempo Deadlifts
2) 5 x 3 Back Squats - heavy 3 rep set for the day