WOD: Tuesday 11/11/2015

Strict Press 2RM
In-between sets complete 10 Med ball Sit ups


5 Rounds for Time:
9 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squats

Use the same weight for all three movements (No more than 40kg/60kg).

Blue Lake Barbell

Snatch: 2 @ 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, if feeling good go to 90%
Then 1 @ 90% of above max, 1 @ 85% of above max

Strength / BB Cycling: Alternate between -
a)  5 x 3 Front Squat - heaviest possible
b)  4 x 5 Power Snatch Unbroken - heaviest possible
Finish cycle on 5th set of Front Squat

Accessory Strength: 4 x 5 Push Press - heaviest possible

If you can - try and make it to the 11am service in Mt Gambier to pay your respects for those that gave their lives so we can live in such an awesome country in peace.