WOD: Tuesday 7/10/2014

Alternate between the following for 5 working sets each:
Chest to Bar Pull ups - Small number of kipping
Glute Hamstring Raise or Banded Good Mornings - 6-8 Reps


"1/2 Riley"
Run 1.2 km - Lap of Block
75 Burpees
Run 1.2 km - Lap of Block

30 Min Time Cap

Post times to comments.

Blue Lake Barbell

Tech: Clean from the Blocks (just above knee) - find a heavy single rep
Then 1 @ 90%, 1 @ 80%

Back Squat: 6 @ 70%, 4 @ 75%, 3 @ 80%, 2 @ 85%, 2 @ 90%
3 x 1:00 Ring Support Hold - complete during above Back Squat sequence as you are able to.

Acc: 3 x 5 Clean Grip BTN (behind the neck) Push Press - heaviest possible

Fit Wars Pre-Run